At the dawn of yet another new year, I can’t but reflect on how the past year went by. I have achieved plenty more and encountered many roadblocks that taught me hard earned lessons that affected my choices, decisions, and what I know about life. I’d like to share with some reflections based on both my personal experiences and the patterns I observed in others around me.
In 2011, I’ve learned that:
- When health matters are seriously threatened – yours or your loved ones – everything else seems so secondary. Act is if these are always truly threatened.
- The more you reflect on life matters, the more you’ll realize how wide those gray areas are. Rare are the things that are purely black or white.
- Admitting your emotional vulnerabilities is not a sign of weakness. You are strong enough when you accept that these come with the beautiful package of human nature.
- What confuses us, many times, is that we exist in multiple contradictory profiles. That version you work on most, keep up front & nourish is what defines you after all.
- The reason why some people enjoy spending some time alone is because they’re never really lonely. They have their own most interesting company.
- Confusion is the corner stone of creativity and clarity. If for only a short while, it’s the best thought entertainer. If prolonged, it confines one to an idle mode of inactivity.
- Giving someone your undivided attention and time are of the noblest thing you can ever do. It’s not the end of the world if some turned out to be undeserving or unappreciative.
- Everyone is looking for love - knowingly or not – from different sources (i.e. romantic partner, parent, friend, or co-workers). When love is lacking, it is substituted for in healthy or unhealthy other ways.
- Frustration or hitting rock bottom are the greatest motivators propelling one to take action into changing, but we’re all at different levels of readiness to take charge.
- When you head something, you’ll have a lot of headache. You’ll be fought, ridiculed, and criticized, but you will still find many more followers and supporters to play the game.
- Dealing with tough people is a good exercise of your patience, communication skills, and growth. These people show you exactly what you’d want to avoid being like.
- Many will force their way into your life uninvited. Give them a chance. They could either be a blessing, or yet another lesson.
- Of all existing languages, that which speaks your emotions is most profound. Never hesitate to be nicely expressive (to yourself and others).
- You may remain ground chained by what’s real despite visions of your wildest dreams. It’s okay to keep one foot in reality and the other in dreamland. That’s how you eventually break free.
- There’s a limit to how many times you give others a chance to be more respecting, appreciating, and understanding. You can always withdraw, or keep asserting your boundaries.
- The brighter your light, the more you attract both: moths and butterflies. You’d put the moths in captivity if you focus on the butterflies’ activity.
- It’s best to raise your expectations of yourself and lower them from others. The best helping hand you’ll ever have is at the end of your own arm.
- Pity not those who did not grow rich, or old, or bold. Pity those who missed the opportunity to just grow.
- You know there's too much 'on your plate' when you wish the days were longer.
- The most important date you can ever take is that with your own self.
- Just as a house cannot stand on one pillar, so is life satisfaction cannot be reliant on only one source.
- When you can't change the existing system, create your own controlled system.
- You can always decorate your thoughts with FAITH. It never goes out of fashion.
These are but a few. Let’s see what the year 2012 holds in stock for me. I can’t wait to learn more lessons.