Sunday, July 28, 2013

Your Mind Gym - How is it Like in Your Relationship?

Pick any important relationship in your life & assess. How's it like? It could be rocky, or smooth; filled with turmoil, flat-lining, or flaming with joy.

What do you think makes a difference? If you think hard about it, you'll find that the "smooth" & "flowing with joy" relationships have agreements on core life values you share with the other.

If it's your partner, friend, colleague, parent, sibling, or kid, you're assessing your relationship with, you'll realize that the more you're like each other, the more you like each other.

Still, no two people are alike. And if you focus on your differences, you, surely, head that "rocky" road describing how your relationship is like. Rings a bell in any case?

If you really want to hold on to having them in your life, what are you to do if you were to smoothen the path both of you walk?

Examine the whole package. Acknowledge & accept the differences. Focus on your similarities & bring these to spotlight in your interactions.

"The proper cement building all relationships, is loudly appreciating the commonalities more than drawing attention to the differences." ~3Ds

It's been said that thriving relationships have a ratio of 5 positive interactions to each negative one, usually.
Perhaps it's re-engineering time of how it's like. Think hard. They have abundant material you can use as cement.

Start mixing: a trait here, a behavior there,  dash of love, & sprinkle all with understanding.

Happy "building"....

Happily ever after  J

Your Personal Coach


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Your "Mind Gym" - How Are The News Like?

If you're the type who constantly follows up on TV News, then you're the type who's constantly showered with doses of negativity. By the time you've had enough, you can expect to hear about few good news of "wins" here or there.

Same thing happens if you read the newspaper. Negativity...Negativity... Negativity.... And then finally some good news (perhaps in the sports page). And again by the time you're there, the good News are barely noticed.

Global News eventually have their impact on your own, don't they? Perhaps I am one among many who stopped attending closely to that barrage of negativity. I'd like to pay attention to those News within my reach - the closest of which are my own. Feels familiar?

So many times, our own bad news witness their own barrage as if their flood gates sprung wide open. And we stop paying attention to the good news here or there (just like those global news we get from TV & the Newspaper).

And so often, we receive bad news just when we are rejoicing good ones. Then you "wonder why good news are frequently off-set by bad news shortly after. Think again... it could simply be working the other way round." ~3Ds

It seems that we get programmed to focus on the bad news. These attract our attention more than the good ones; and we grow to give these more time & more energy (just like the TV & the Newspaper). And then, no energy is left to appreciate the good ones. But what if we focus instead that good news are coming after the bad ones?

Does that trigger an "A-HA" moment?

Here's some BREAKING NEWS then: it's all like a game of hide & seek. Good News are here & there.... hiding everywhere.... They're all within your reach.... Of course, you still have to reach ;)

Let's make that our new default setting.... 


Your Personal Coach


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Your "Mind Gym" - What Makes You Dream?

Yes, you may wonder what makes you have those random dreams as you sleep at night. Most theories around that suggest unconscious processing of information stored in that mysterious brain of yours. You may forget, or remember these when you wake up; and they can affect, or not, the rest of your day.

I'm interested, today, in reminding you of those dreams you orchestrate during your day willingly & through your own imagination: Your "Day Dreams".

The good news about these is that they do remain within your control. Day dreams have more magical power in affecting the rest of your day. You are more aware of these. You do remember these.

How are your day dreams like? Do these fuel the flames of fear and anxiety of the worst possible future scenarios of your current life concerns? Are these a re-play of old distressing scenes in your Oscar winning "My Life Movie" of messed-up events?

Or are these scenarios pleasant enough to take you to "La La Land" on an instant vacation? Re-visit an exciting beautiful memory perhaps? Or a construction of attractive dreams that motivates you into creating your better self? Those you envision as goals with a deadline kind of dreams?

"The day dreams your mind TOYS around with can send you to Heaven, or Hell. Let's PLAY the game of day dreaming a brighter future". ~3Ds

In the present moment: Your conscious mind is the referee of two opposing players: one will lift you higher; the other drowns you lower. Be fair!

Your choice of day dreams is the maestro of the heart-felt music that either nourishes your soul, or sucks-up your life energy. Stand tall!

Your selection of the scenes you play in your mind's eye of that "My Life Movie" will be good or bad entertainment. Be a good Director!

What would you like to live in this very moment? Close your eyes now, and press "PLAY"....              Happy dreaming.... J

Your Personal Coach


Monday, July 8, 2013

Your Mind Gym - What Makes You Stretch?

I am not referring to physically stretching here (although it helps to relate to doing that somehow). I'd like you to consider the notion of psychologically stretching yourself to do more, or be more.  It refers to competing with your old self, or beating your past limits.

When as a toddler you started walking, your firm steps increased in increments till falling down took place less often. Same thing happened to most endeavors you put your mind to.

Gradual baby steps towards big achievements are the key, usually, to making things happen. You can't expect to do 500 sit-ups, nor can you swim 50 laps straight the first time. You build your tolerance & skill progressively.

This brings me to the idea of what makes you stretch. To me, it's either persistence, patience, or both. Persistence characterizes more appealing outcomes. It enables you to keep taking action even when your motivation wanes. Patience helps you endure a less attractive process. It helps you endure discomfort knowing there's a greater reward at the end of the process. You build both through practice.

If you stay focused on your final goal, you'll be surprised at how far you can go when you just stretch slowly and willingly. In life, we're faced with situations that coerce us into doing that, right?

And "To those who complain physical exercise is torture: Compare it to having to exercise your patience. Piece of cake, ha?" ~ 3Ds

Go on... Willingly stretch.... Build your capabilities by choice....

Let your heart-beat drum louder at how close you are to your ultimatum....

Oh, I hear you.... :)

Your Personal Coach
