Sunday, September 8, 2013

Time For Your "Mind Gym" - Who's Your Hero?

You meet new people all the time, but move closer to some selected few. Some strike you as really outstanding - more like "heroes" who'll save you in some way. Like magnet, they attract you with their most amazing qualities. Then, you find yourself seeking them in every possible way.

When that happens, it reflects something about you. You either want that person to bring out something in you, or you want to be like that other person. It's not only about having them for company. 

Think about your heroes for a moment. What do you appreciate most about each?

This is what you (probably) have missing. You may start modeling that person (with or without conscious attention). You may start wearing their mind. You may start walking in their shoes. They inspire your thoughts & influence actions.

"Your 'inspiring hero' gives you the idea of what you need to become. Your 'ideal hero' helps you become just that & that's only YOU." ~ 3Ds

It has been said that the best helping hand you'll ever find is that at the end of your own arm; and that you can't push anyone up the ladder unless they move their feet frequently upwards.

It, therefore, boils down to using your brain, senses, hands, & feet.... your whole body, if I may say.... to become another hero - even better - & inspire another...

No one WILL do it for you. No one CAN do it for you...

You're a walking magic wand, precious.... You're the best "Hero" there is....

Get moving "Hun":) Wo-ho... Careful where you point that thing :) 

Your #1 fan & Personal Coach


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Time For Your "Mind Gym" - How Do You Face Uncertainty?

Uncertain times come knocking on your door sometimes; and threats to major life components just barge in at other times ...

It's, perhaps, this uncertainty that mostly induces anxiety and distress over what can come next. "How will the future be like?" you wonder.

When what's coming next seems so unsure, and you feel so insecure, you may consider only two options:
- Wait for things to happen and then respond to accommodate. Get stressed in anticipation meanwhile....
- Or keep planning your life as before , do what you're used to doing, and deny that external powerful circumstances may eventually lead you to a dark place.

But wait.... there's a third alternative to go about it. Consider the "waiting time" a chance to do what you never had the time to do before the overwhelming uncertainty barged in. To feel more in control, change anticipation into having plan "A", "B", "C",... Build walls of defense to combat incipient feelings of stress. And affiliate with those facing similar uncertainty, or ask for assistance.

"When excessive uncertainty seems to rule, it's no use to wait, or deny its existence. It's the perfect opportunity to demonstrate resistance" ~3Ds

And then .... with uncertainty comes change. How do you know that this change will be to the worse after all? You may be surprised when you find yourself, eventually, in a better place. Yes, it happens...

Forks in the road teach us how to gallop. Sticks in the wheels teach us how to fly....

Some enjoy and even seek gravity resistance....

Trampolining with you ;) Eeeee-Haaaaa!

Your Personal Coach
