So I finally launched my Newsletter, Horrraaaah!!
Only those who subscribe to my website would receive a weekly “Mental Shampoo” to inspire them to reflect on pragmatic life matters. I wanted to call it ‘Mental Shampoo’, but many of my friends preferred the ‘Mind Gym” title better. I thought I might as well include these short insights on my Blog. In my extremely busy schedule these days, I find it hard to squeeze the time to write lengthy articles, but that “author” in me is still so much alive. Here it goes…. the first in the series posted on my blog for documentation purposes

Do you have a problem? Most of us, unfortunately, do. I haven’t met anyone, yet, who is trouble-free. We’re all struggling with different challenges that vary, also, in magnitude. It’s like part of living life!!
Do you find yourself ruminating over a specific problem? Well, perhaps you do. And perhaps your head got dizzy, already, from going round & round in that vicious circle going nowhere. All you can think of is: “It’s not fair!”, “I can’t tolerate this!”, “this can’t be true”, and the list goes on….
Why don’t you consider this: “The problem isn’t really the problem. The problem is in not considering SOLUTIONS to the problem.”
You can only regain a sense of control once you know & do believe you can do something about your problems. And there’s always something you can do, don’t you now? Let’s switch from a “problem-focused” mode to the more empowering “solution-focused” mode?
And it’s simple: Choose to change the situation, & if you cannot do that, choose to change the way you react about it!!
Come’on…. Let’s get started, uh- huh?!
Believing in your brilliance always,
Your Personal Coach
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