If I were on my death-bed and were asked to write the world a letter, it would look something like this:
My dear fellow humans,
Life is worth living, so make it a worthwhile journey. You can choose to influence whatever circumstance you are in. Just have the courage to be proactive and take initiative. Be a fighter who does not surrender to setbacks. Remember, everything happens for a reason, and with every adversity, lie a greater opportunity. Don’t let the fog cloud your mind in seeking passage through other opened doors. Life is meant to have so many ebbs and flows. Be grateful to having had happy moments, incidents, and fulfillment. Be sure that painful moments, or incidents were only meant to equip you with life lessons. Accept these with an open mind and take a moment to reflect on how powerfully they transformed you towards growth and maturity.
Whatever you choose to do, do your best on it. Whoever you decide to be, be a good one. Whomever you decide to influence, make it an influence to the betterment. If you’re reading this, you’re still alive. Aren’t you better off in deciding to live life abundantly?
So make your life a good one like I had. Luckily, I have only few regrets. I am leaving behind only nice memories about me. I thank God for giving me so many fortunes and chances. I thank my family and friends for being in my life. I forgive those who harmed me and also thank them for shaping the person I have become.
Till we meet in the next world, please don’t forget my final words. It’s an advice from someone who learned the rules of life the hard way…….
Truly amazing :) Obviously written by an admirable person :)